Jesus Christ already purchased everything we will ever need to thrive when He died for us on the cross.

For years I lived as a Christian but not understanding the total freedom that was available to me. Then I began to learn how to receive what God has already paid for, and to let go and let Him be Lord of my life. I watched as He set me free from severe anorexia, self-hatred, depression, addictions, binge eating, unhealthy relationships, anxiety, and so much more. 

I am so grateful for all God has done for me, and I truly love to see Him help others live in the fullness of His good plans for them as well!

Whether you are already thriving and just want to go even further, or feel like you could use some help in your life, my desire is to see my clients deepen their relationship with God and learn to walk in the freedom that He bought for them on the cross.

…But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect —life in its fullness until you overflow!”
— John 10:10
  • Sessions are by appointment only.

  • Minimum of two sessions required.

  • Each session is 50 minutes.

  • 1 session = $80

Coaching SErvices

FREEDOM is waiting for YOU

“After a few sessions together, I sensed forward movement once again.

“I personally have experienced her genuine warmth and sincerity to instantly create a safe space to be heard, seen and valued.

“She is skilled at identifying lies buried in pain, putting words to them, and then exposing them with the light of Truth.